Major Win for Youth Climate Activists in Montana Supreme Court

The Montana Supreme Court upheld a landmark victory on Wednesday, affirming a lower court’s decision that the energy policies of the state violated youth activists’ constitutional rights to a clean environment.

The ruling in Held v. Montana last August invalidated a law stopping regulators from taking into consideration the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions when issuing permits for new fossil fuel projects, reported The Guardian.

The six-to-one decision was the first state supreme court decision of its kind in the United States.

“This ruling is a victory not just for us, but for every young person whose future is threatened by climate change,” said 23-year-old Rikki Held, the lawsuit’s named plaintiff, on Wednesday, as The New York Times reported. 

Many of the 16 youth plaintiffs in the case testified that they had witnessed extreme weather in Montana, a state that has big investments in gas, oil and coal.

The young environmental activists were represented by attorneys from nonprofits Western Environmental Law Center and Our Children’s Trust.

Lead counsel for the plaintiffs Nate Bellinger said the ruling showed that “the future of our children cannot be sacrificed for fossil fuel interests,” reported The New York Times.

Professor of Law Emeritus Patrick Parenteau, a senior climate policy fellow at the Environmental Law Center at Vermont Law and Graduate School, said Montana was one of only a few states that had environmental provisions written into its constitution, and that they were possibly the strongest in the nation. Parenteau said similar lawsuits were likely to be filed in other states following the decision.

Parenteau added that the “strong language” in Montana District Court Judge Kathy Seeley’s opinion from last year had paved the way for the Montana Supreme Court to uphold the decision. Parenteau said he did not see a way to appeal the decision in the U.S. Supreme Court, since the case was within the scope of state law.

“It’s a landmark because it’s the first court in the U.S. to recognize a constitutional right to a stable climate,” Parenteau said, pointing out that the decision could face political opposition, since there was strong support for the fossil fuel industry by state officials.

“That’s where the limits of a judicial decision like this come into play,” Parenteau explained. “Not to diminish it, just to say what the reality is: It takes a much broader political consensus to really address climate change.”

Western Environmental Law Center said the ruling was “a turning point in Montana’s energy policy,” as BBC News reported.

The nonprofit said its legal team “are committed to ensuring the full implementation of the ruling.”

Several states — including Alaska, Hawaii and Utah — are scheduled to hear similar cases, as well as countries like Pakistan, Uganda, Colombia, Australia and New Zealand.

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Tips From Experts to Reduce Food Waste This Holiday Season

With the holidays in full swing, there are more occasions for eating and drinking to excess, which gives us multiple opportunities to curb our food waste.

Food waste is an enormous global problem. According to a 2024 report from the United Nations Environment Programme, households throughout the world wasted an average of more than one billion meals per day in 2022. Meanwhile, 783 million people were impacted by hunger and one-third faced food insecurity.

When we waste food, we also waste valuable resources.

“When we throw away food, we’re also throwing away the land, water, and energy used to produce that food,” said Pete Pearson, vice president of food loss and waste at WWF.

Agriculture accounts for almost 30 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and 70 percent of freshwater use, reported WWF.

“Agriculture is vital for human survival, but its expansion is the leading cause of stress on the last remaining biodiverse regions around the globe. This comes at a time when we grow enough food to feed everyone, and up to 40% of what we grow never makes it to a dinner plate,” Pearson emphasized. “If we can make more food available from what’s already produced — by minimizing waste — we might slow deforestation in the Amazon or preserve the grasslands in the Northern Great Plains.”

When discarded food decomposes in landfills, it also emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas with 28 times the heat-trapping potential of carbon dioxide.

Pearson suggested taking measures to avoid throwing good food away this holiday season by preparing “just enough” food for your guests. Other tips included composting food scraps, encouraging people to take leftovers home, storing leftovers in the freezer for when you’re ready to revisit them and using leftovers to make new dishes.

“If you’re passionate about conservation, consider this: preventing and reducing food waste is one of the best things you can do to conserve natural resources and wildlife,” Pearson added.

Dr. Tara Moreau, University of British Columbia (UBC) Botanical Garden’s associate director, had some additional suggestions for making your holiday festivities more sustainable by reducing food waste.

In a Q & A with UBC News, Moreau recommended eating more plant-based foods that are locally produced, including legumes and millet. If you do plan to eat meat during the holidays, consider reducing the amount and looking for more sustainable options.

Another idea is to share your food with people in your neighborhood who may be spending the holidays alone.

Moreau also suggested freezing vegetable scraps such as carrot ends, herbs and onion skins to make stock for winter soup.

“Composting and recycling are important. But ultimately, we need to consume less. The best place to see your environmental footprint is in your waste footprint. You can see the waste you’re producing every week as well as your purchasing behaviours, which means you can identify how and what to change,” Moreau said.

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Many Smartwatch Wristbands Hold High Levels of PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals,’ Study Finds

Wearable tech devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches have become the constant companions of many who rely on them for alerts, transactions and health and location information day and night.

What wearers of these devices may not know is that many of them contain elevated levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)forever chemicals” that may be leaching from the wristbands into their skin, according to a new study.

The researchers found especially high amounts of a particular forever chemical, perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), contained in more expensive fluorinated synthetic rubber wristbands, a press release from the American Chemical Society (ACS) said.

“This discovery stands out because of the very high concentrations of one type of forever chemical found in items that are in prolonged contact with our skin,” said Graham Peaslee, one of the authors of the study and a professor of physics at University of Notre Dame, in the press release.

PFAS are a category of chemicals found in consumer products that repel sweat, oil and water, and can persist in the environment for hundreds — even thousands — of years. The forever chemicals are frequently found in waterproof clothing, nonstick cookware, menstrual products, stain-resistant bedding and fitness wear like wristbands and smartwatches.

The wristbands contain fluoroelastomers, which are synthetic rubbers made from PFAS chains, that create a material capable of repelling dirt and avoiding discoloration. While the bands are durable and work well during intense workouts, they may also be a source of PFAS compounds that literally get under the skin of the person wearing them.

The researchers analyzed several watchbands for the presence of 20 individual PFAS, including fluorine.

They looked at 22 wristbands from a variety of brands and price ranges — most of them new, but a few that had been previously worn. All 13 wristbands were advertised as having been made from fluoroelastomers that contained the element fluorine. However, two out of nine of the bands that did not disclose that they had been made from fluoroelastomers did contain fluorine, indicating the potential for PFAS.

“Many ‘smart’ and ‘fitness’ watch bands are advertised to contain fluoroelastomers, a type of synthetic rubber designed to be resilient against skin oils and sweat. Fluoroelastomers, which are considered a polymeric form of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), have historically involved the use of shorter-chain PFAS as surfactants in the polymerization process,” the authors of the study wrote.

The researchers found that wristbands priced at over $30 contained a greater amount of fluorine than those that cost under $15. They checked all of the wristbands for 20 distinct PFAS and found that PFHxA was the most common. It appeared in nine out of 22 of the tested bands. The average concentration of PFHxA was almost 800 parts per billion (ppb), with one sample exceeding 16,000 ppb.

Earlier research by the team on cosmetics found an average PFAS concentration of approximately 200 ppb. Just six PFAS currently have federally defined limits for exposure through drinking water in the United States.

“We have never seen extractable concentrations in the part-per-million range (>1000 ppb) for any wearable consumer product applied to the skin,” Peaslee said.

The findings of the study suggest that the large PFHxA concentrations found in fitness wristbands could be the result of the compound’s use as a surfactant when manufacturing fluoroelastomer.

Scientists don’t currently know how easily PFHxA transfers into human skin, nor what the possible health effects are once it is there. Peaslee said recent studies suggest a notable percentage could potentially pass through the skin under normal conditions.

“The very high concentrations of PFHxA readily extractable from the surfaces of fluoroelastomer watch bands, together with the current limited knowledge on the dermal absorption of PFHxA, demonstrate the need for more comprehensive exposure studies of PFHxA,” the authors wrote in the study.

The team recommended buying lower-cost wristbands that have been made from silicone, according to lead author of the study Alyssa Wicks, a graduate research assistant in the University of Notre Dame Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

“If the consumer wishes to purchase a higher-priced band, we suggest that they read the product descriptions and avoid any that are listed as containing fluoroelastomers,” Wicks said in the press release.

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‘Divorce’ Rates of Seychelles Warblers Linked to Rainfall Fluctuations During Breeding Season

The amount of rain that falls affects our environment in various ways, from river flow to the availability of freshwater, but it can also shape the diversity and distribution of ecosystems within different regions of the globe.

A new long-term study of Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) on Cousin Island has revealed that rainfall during the breeding season can affect “divorce” rates between the birds, highlighting the complex effects climate change can have on animal reproduction and conservation.

The study, conducted on a closed Seychelles warbler population, uncovered major findings on how rainfall and other environmental factors can negatively affect the stability of pair bonds in birds, a press release from Macquarie University said.

“This instability can occur because of the effects rainfall patterns have on the ecological environment of the warblers, where rainfall influences food availability, and nest/habitat conditions, all of which can affect the health of the birds before and during the breeding season and affect their ability to produce offspring,” A. A. Bentlage, a researcher in the School of Biological Sciences at Australia’s Macquarie University, told EcoWatch in an email.

Seychelles warbler pairs tend to stay together in favorable weather. Charli Davies

For species like the Seychelles warbler, who are socially monogamous, “divorce” refers to the breaking up of a pair bond when both individuals are still living. The mating strategy of pair bonding, observed in various species, has often been associated with lower reproductive success, or the number of offspring they produced as a pair.

Social monogamy implies that birds form a pair bond and spend many years — even lifetimes — with the same partner. Birds in these partnerships typically live and raise their young together, but they are not always sexually monogamous.

The relationship between divorce and environmental factors — especially fluctuations in climate — is still poorly understood.

“We analyzed 16 years of data from a longitudinal dataset to examine the influence of rainfall on the prevalence of divorce and the possible underlying mechanisms. First, we performed climate window analyses to identify the temporal windows of rainfall that best predict reproductive success and divorce. Then, we tested the effects of these temporal windows of rainfall on reproductive success and divorce and the influence of reproductive success on divorce while controlling for covariates using generalized linear mixed models,” Bentlage told EcoWatch.

The study, “Rainfall is associated with divorce in the socially monogamous Seychelles warbler,” was published in the Journal of Animal Ecology.

“We… found a complex, non-linear relationship between rainfall patterns and divorce rates, with divorce being more likely during years of both low and high rainfall,” said Frigg Speelman, a member of the science and engineering faculty at Macquarie University, in the press release. “This relationship was notably influenced by an extreme climatic event — the 1997 El Niño-induced rainfall spike.”

The researchers found a correlation between the extreme rainfall associated with the 1997 El Niño event and divorce rates of the Seychelles warbler. However, when they excluded this exceptional event from their analysis, it became clearer that there was indeed a negative relationship between rainfall amounts and the birds’ divorce rates.

The study did not find any direct link between the reproductive success of the birds and divorce likelihood, however, which suggested that there may be other factors influencing partnership stability.

Bentlage said rainfall extremes have a significant effect on the food sources and habitats of the Seychelles warbler.

“Extreme rainfall can greatly affect the ecological environment of our study population. For example, low rainfall significantly diminishes food availability by disrupting the development of insects that often lay their eggs in water, and heavy rainfall can destroy habitats/nests and make maintaining optimal body temperatures difficult for birds. Therefore, both rainfall extremes can impact the birds’ health and make raising offspring difficult,” Bentlage told EcoWatch.

The researchers found that the highest divorce rates occurred in years with extremely high or low rainfall occurring during breeding season, possibly affecting how the birds viewed their partners.

“Whereas divorce in many species is often correlated with poor reproductive success, our study found no evidence for this in the Seychelles warbler, suggesting that other, more complex factors may be involved. For example, the aforementioned rainfall effects may cause an increase in stress for the birds, increasing the instability of their partnerships as they associate the stressful period – that was caused by extreme weather – with their partner. Thus, extreme rainfall could misinform these birds about the quality of their partner, causing them to reconsider their choice of partner and separate,” Bentlage said.

The study builds on mounting evidence demonstrating how environmental factors — especially those associated with climate change — can have a direct effect on the reproductive strategies and social dynamics of wildlife.

The Seychelles warbler is a native species of the Seychelles islands. The rare birds are already facing a number of conservation challenges, which make the study particularly relevant. The findings of the research suggest the species could experience further stress to population stability and reproductive success due to environmental changes.

“As climate change intensifies, it is critical to understand how fluctuations in environmental conditions, such as rainfall, affect the stability of socially monogamous species,” Speelman said in the press release. “This research not only enhances our understanding of animal behavior in the face of climate variability but also provides valuable insights that could inform conservation efforts for species vulnerable to the effects of climate change.”

What other environmental changes and stressors are Seychelles warblers facing due to climate change?

“The Seychelles warblers are a great conservation success story as they were once on the brink of extinction, with just 26 individuals left in the world. After Cousin Island and the surrounding sea became a nature reserve in the 1960s/70s the population bounced back to stable numbers. Thus, they are doing quite well at the moment. Nevertheless, as a result of climate change, extreme rainfall events are predicted to become more prevalent and alongside them, other stressors such as extreme winds may also become more of an issue. Wind can influence territory quality on Cousin because wind-driven onshore salt spray negatively affects vegetation. Thus, habitat destruction that influences territory quality/food abundance may become more prevalent in a changing world,” Bentlage told EcoWatch.

Bentlage said the research team does not know how divorce driven by rainfall extremes will impact Seychelles warblers in the long-term, but once that is understood it could help improve future conservation efforts.

“We do not yet understand whether rainfall-driven divorce in the Seychelles warbler is adaptive, maladaptive, or has no effect on short/long-term reproductive fitness. As we discuss in our paper, it is essential to investigate the fitness consequences of divorce in the context of these extreme environmental effects to understand to what extent plasticity in breeding behavior may enable socially monogamous species to adapt to a rapidly changing world,” Bentlage explained. “Once that is understood, combined with our current knowledge of the negative effects of extreme rainfall on reproductive success, our findings can greatly inform population modeling and monitoring, such as using environmental indicators as early warning signals for potential declines in population stability. Also, for some species, such knowledge may even inform habitat management and conservation approaches that have specific climate change adaptations in mind. For example, efforts could be made to protect habitats or create refuges that provide optimal conditions during poor climatic periods.”

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Japan Announces Goal to Produce Up to 50% of Energy From Renewables by 2040

Japan has its sights set on renewable energy producing 40 to 50 percent of its electricity by 2040, with another 20 percent coming from nuclear power, according to a new draft of its basic energy policy.

Japan is the second-largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) importer in the world, as well as a big consumer of oil from the Middle East, so its energy plans are of interest to gas, oil and coal producers, reported Reuters.

“It is necessary to utilise LNG-fired power as a realistic means of transition, and the government and the private sector must jointly secure the necessary long-term LNG contracts in preparation for risks such as price hikes and supply disruptions,” the new draft of Japan’s Strategic Energy Plan said.

The country’s use of thermal power — particularly from coal-fired power plants — is on course to fall to 30 to 40 percent by 2040. Last year thermal energy made up 68.6 percent of the energy mix.

Tokyo said nuclear power will play a major role in helping the country meet the growing energy demand from microchip factories and artificial intelligence, AFP reported.

The Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station and Omaezaki Wind Power Station in Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan in March 2022. Korekore / iStock / Getty Images Plus

“Specifically, we expect Japan’s 2025 SEP to shift from a strong focus on decarbonization to the nation’s dual goals of ensuring energy security (spurred by recent challenges to securing energy supplies triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine) while supporting the rapidly growing energy demands accompanying the digital transformation and hyperscale data centers needed to meet increased computing and storage needs,” a press release from the International Trade Administration said.

Of the Group of Seven (G7) of the most advanced economies in the world, Japan — the fourth-largest — has the dirtiest mix of energy, according to campaigners, with fossil fuels making up almost 70 percent of its 2023 power generation, AFP said.

Japan’s government had previously set a goal of becoming carbon-neutral by mid-century, as well as reducing emissions by nearly 50 percent from 2013 levels by 2030.

The new plans expect renewables like wind and solar to make up 40 to 50 percent of power generation by 2040. That’s up from 23 percent last year and an earlier target of 38 percent by 2030.

The new draft energy policy said Japan wants to avoid relying too much on one energy source in order to ensure “both a stable supply of energy and decarbonisation,” reported AFP.

“Securing decarbonised sources of electricity is an issue directly related to our country’s economic growth,” said Yoshifumi Murase, national energy agency head, on Tuesday, as AFP reported.

The new plan has removed the goal of “reducing reliance on nuclear power as much as possible,” and includes plans for the building of next-generation nuclear reactors at sites with existing reactors that are scheduled to be decommissioned, reported Reuters.

Japan stopped the use of nuclear power plants all over the country following the 2011 Fukushima disaster, but has slowly been putting them back online.

Japan’s energy forecasts for 2040 assume an increased demand for electricity from 12 to 22 percent above 2023 levels.

Despite welcoming the plan, Greenpeace’s Hirotaka Koike said it was “too little, too late,” and called for “much larger ambition” regarding renewables, AFP reported.

“The power mix suggested by the government is not consistent with Japan’s international commitments to tackle climate change and accelerate clean energy transition,” Hanna Hakko with climate thinktank E3G told AFP. “Various scenarios by energy experts show that if the government were to enact supportive policies, renewables could expand to cover between 60 to 80 percent of Japan’s electricity generation mix in the latter half of 2030s.”

A final version of the updated energy plan will be submitted in February to the United Nations.

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1 in 4 Properties in England at Risk of Flooding by 2050: Report

Under the most recent climate projections, 6.3 million properties in England are located in areas that are at risk of flooding, the new National Assessment of Flood Risk (NaFRA) has found.

Properties at risk of flooding from rivers, sea or surface waters could increase to eight million — one in four properties — by 2050.

“We have spent the last few years transforming our understanding of flood and coastal erosion risk in England, drawing on the best available data from the Environment Agency and local authorities, as well as improved modelling and technological advances,” said Julie Foley, flood risk strategy director at the Environment Agency, in a press release from the agency. “Providing the nation with the best available information on flood and coastal erosion risk is vital to ensuring that policy makers, practitioners and communities are ready to adapt to flooding and coastal change.”

Alongside the flood risk report, the Environment Agency published a new National Coastal Erosion Risk Map (NCERM), the first update since 2017.

The combination provides a current national picture of England’s prevailing and future risk of coastal erosion using evidence from the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes.

The River Great Ouse bursts its banks near residential properties in Bedford, England on Dec. 26, 2020. Dan Kitwood / Getty Images

“These updated assessments provide a clearer understanding of flood risk around the country and the data will be used by the government, Environment Agency and local communities to plan for and improve flood resilience in areas at risk,” the Environment Agency said.

Roughly 4.6 million of the at-risk properties are in areas susceptible to flooding from surface water. These areas are inundated with so much rainwater that it overwhelms drainage systems, causing surface water runoff, or flash flooding.

That number reflects a 43 percent increase from the previous assessment. The changes are almost completely due to improvements to data, modeling and technology use.

Approximately 2.4 million properties in the country are located in areas with flood risk from rivers as well as the sea. The total number of at-risk properties has not increased, but there has been an 88 percent jump in properties at the highest risk level — those that are in areas with a more than one in 30 likelihood of flooding during any given year.

Meanwhile, the government has slashed flood protection plans by 40 percent recently, with 25 percent of major projects having been dropped, reported The Guardian.

“The risk from floods and coastal erosion is growing, yet the government’s plan for dealing with increasingly extreme weather is completely inadequate. Labour agrees that the previous government’s policies ‘have left Britain badly exposed.’ Now it needs to fix this by strengthening the national adaptation programme, in consultation with the communities most impacted by the climate crisis,” said Alison Dilworth, a campaigner with Friends of the Earth, as The Guardian reported.

The updated report reveals how the risk of coastal erosion has been changing across England’s shorelines. Up to the year 2055, 3,500 properties are projected to be in places at risk of coastal erosion. This number is expected to increase to roughly 10,100 properties by 2050.

“More detailed flood and coastal risk information, which takes climate change into account, is essential for local authorities to be able to plan effectively, to protect their local communities and to start to build resilient infrastructure for the future,” said Hannah Bartram, chief executive officer of the Association of Directors for Environment Planning and Transport, in the press release.

A car drives in floodwater in Grendon, Northamptonshire on Sept. 23, 2024. Joe Giddens / PA Images via Getty Images

To assist communities and decision-makers with understanding how the new information could help them, in early 2025 detailed local maps will be made available and the updated data from NaFRA and NCERM will be published.

The Environment Agency’s digital services will also be updated early next year, including “Check the long term flood risk for an area in England.”

The agency will also update its Flood Map for Planning in the spring. This map is used by developers and planners to find data to assist them with flood risk for a planning application.

“We welcome the collaborative effort the Environment Agency has taken to working with coastal authorities and coastal partners around the country to develop the new National Coastal Erosion Risk Map. It uses 10 years of evidence on coastal processes from the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes,” said Stewart Rowe, Coastal Group Network chair, in the press release. “The updated coastal erosion risk information will be critical to the implementation of the Shoreline Management Plans that set out our long-term approach to managing flood and coastal erosion risk around the coast.”

Floodwater surrounds homes in Snaith, Yorshire, while 82 flood warnings were in place for England, Wales and Scotland after Storm Jorge, on March 3, 2020. Danny Lawson / PA Images via Getty Images

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Increasing Drought Frequency Brings Threats to U.S. Wildlife, Research Finds

With the climate crisis leading to more frequent and severe droughts, many wildlife species in the lower 48 United States will suffer from year-long droughts almost five times as frequently in the coming decades as they did historically, according to a new study.

Droughts lasting three years could become nearly seven times as frequent, a press release from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service said.

Lack of moisture affects how animals compete with each other for resources, contributes to habitat loss and leads to heat stress and dehydration.

“The degree of increased drought exposure for each species in our analysis strongly depends on future greenhouse gas concentrations,” said lead author of the study Dr. Merijn van den Bosch, a postdoctoral researcher at Colorado State University, in the press release. “But even under a lower-concentration scenario, virtually all vertebrates face increased year-long and multi-year droughts in the second half of this century. The implications will depend on the species and the length of the drought.”

The research team found that, from 2050 to 2080, year-long droughts would be nearly five times as frequent as they had been from 1950 to 2005.

Observed change (%) in annual (12-month) and prolonged (36-month) droughts between 1952–1983 and 1991–2021, across Level 3 Ecoregions in the contiguous U.S. Communications Earth & Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01880-z

“Drought, abnormal soil moisture deficits due to low precipitation and excess evapotranspiration, is a major environmental stressor with multifaceted effects on wildlife communities and habitat, including the modification of microbial soil composition, forest die-offs, the proliferation of invasive species, and the destabilization of species interactions through changes in competition and trophic dynamics. Extreme drought, defined as the 1% most severe drought conditions that occurred between 1950 and 2000, is expected to annually affect 30% more land area by the end of the 21st century,” the authors of the study wrote.

One example of an animal having to adapt to a changing climatic landscape is the giant kangaroo rat, an endangered species native to California’s dry habitats. Though giant kangaroo rats have adapted to the occasional short drought, populations can plummet following multi-year droughts. This compounds existing threats, including the loss of almost all their historic habitat.

A giant kangaroo rat, rescued and safely released by a permit holder during a PG&E pipeline excavation project. Increased drought adds to conservation concerns for this endangered species. Ryan Donnelly

The study demonstrated that, in much of the giant kangaroo rat’s remaining range, longer droughts could soon occur much more often.

“That does not bode well for this already-endangered species,” Van den Bosch said.

The populations of many game species not currently at risk will also face droughts lasting one and three years in their ranges more frequently. This includes ungulates like elk, as well as waterfowl, including certain duck species. The shift could have implications for game and wildlife management.

“Drought affects wildlife directly, through physiological impacts that affect survival and fecundity, but also indirectly through the alteration of habitat, resources, and interspecific interactions. Additionally, drought effects on wildlife populations depend on drought duration and intensity. Minimizing biodiversity loss induced by climate change requires not only mitigating climatic change itself but also large-scale assessments of species’ vulnerability to climate change effects such as extreme weather events, to prioritize conservation actions,” the authors wrote in the study.

In order to gain information about places where habitat restoration or adaptive water management could benefit the greatest number of wildlife species, the researchers set out to identify areas that had high levels of biodiversity and were predicted to have large increases in drought.

To predict future scenarios, the team used modeling techniques to come up with six projections of moisture conditions and temperature. They then compared the frequency of predicted and observed drought exposure with range maps of 339 mammals, 349 birds, 253 reptile species and 280 amphibians to create regional summaries.

Average predicted change (%) in annual droughts under (a) RCP 4.5 and (b) RCP 8.5 and prolonged droughts under (c) RCP 4.5 and (d) RCP 8.5 between 1951–2005 and 2050–2080, along with area-weighted terrestrial vertebrate species richness, for the contiguous U.S. Numbers below the x-axis color legend indicate four breaks of percent change in drought between the historical period and average future scenario, species richness is categorized into four equal quantiles along the y-axis legend.

The researchers discovered that, after adjusting for land area, the highest number of overall individual species and the greatest number of species threatened by drought, as well as the highest projected change in drought exposure, were all in the southwestern U.S.

A female elk drinks water from a spring at West Thumb Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park.
Anastassiya Bornstein / iStock / Getty Images Plus

“Some of the areas expected to see the greatest increase in drought, such as the southwestern U.S., are already quite dry,” said senior author Dr. Zack Steel, a Rocky Mountain Research Station research ecologist, in the press release. “Many species living in these regions are adapted to periodic droughts, but the concern is that if they are already near the limit of what they can tolerate, the large increase in drought we’re expecting can have grave consequences for these ecosystems and the wildlife that depend on them.”

The study, “Climate change scenarios forecast increased drought exposure for terrestrial vertebrates in the contiguous United States,” was published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment.

A flock of flamingos near a small stream. Serhii Bezrukyi / iStock / Getty Images Plus

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Climate-Fueled Cyclone Chido Kills at Least ‘Several Hundred’ in French Territory of Mayotte

What is being called the worst storm in nearly a century — a cyclone packing 140 miles-per-hour winds — has killed from “several hundred” to possibly thousands in Mayotte, a French territory in the Indian Ocean.

The island’s residents described “apocalyptic scenes” caused by Cyclone Chido, which decimated areas where people lived in shacks with sheet-metal roofs, leaving survivors without access to food or basic services, reported BBC News.

“We’ve had no water for three days now,” said a resident of Mayotte’s capital city, Mamoudzou.

Rescue workers were sifting through the debris in search of survivors. Twenty deaths have been confirmed, but according to the local prefect, the number of fatalities could be in the thousands.

“The totality of the slums have been totally destroyed, we haven’t received any reports of displaced people, so the reality could be terrible in the coming days,” Eric Sam Vah, a French Red Cross spokesperson, told BBC Radio 4’s Today program.

Authorities were having trouble establishing how many people had lost their lives because nearly a third of the island’s population is made up of undocumented migrants — more than 100,000 of the 320,000 residents.

Emergency operations were being impeded by widespread infrastructure damage caused by the cyclone.

“The hospital has suffered major water damage and destruction, notably in the surgical, intensive care, maternity and emergency units,” Geneviève Darrieussecq, France’s health minister, told France 2 on Monday, as The Guardian reported. Darrieussecq added that “medical centres were also non-operational.”

Mayotte’s airport suffered significant damage, with the powerful storm downing power lines and leaving residents without water, electricity or communication.

Though many roads were impassable, supplies had begun to arrive. Most of the territory — 85 percent — was without power.

Water was also becoming available in some areas, but not for everyone.

“The water here is completely yellow. It’s unusable for us,” Amalia Mazon, a midwife at Mayotte’s central hospital, who is originally from Brussels, told the BBC. “We feel completely abandoned, and we don’t even know if help is coming.”

Regarding the eventual death toll, Prefect Francois-Xavier Bieuville, who is the top official appointed by Paris in the territory, told Mayotte la Premiere broadcasting service, “I think there will definitely be several hundred, perhaps we will come close to a thousand or even several thousand,” reported AFP.

Officials feared that, with roads closed, many people could be trapped beneath the rubble in inaccessible areas.

Mamoudzou’s Mayor Ambdilwahedou Soumaila told AFP that the powerful cyclone had “spared nothing.”

Approximately 160 additional firefighters and soldiers had been deployed to reinforce the 110 who were already helping with recovery efforts in the archipelago.

“The images are apocalyptic. It’s a disaster, there’s nothing left,” a nurse at Mamoudzou hospital told French news network BFMTV, as BBC News reported.

Mayotte was colonized by France in 1841. By the beginning of the 20th Century, it had added the three main Comoros archipelago islands to its overseas territories. In 1974, the Comoros voted for independence, but Mayotte did not join them, remaining part of France.

Mayotte’s residents have struggled with unemployment, poverty and political instability. Roughly 75 percent of the population lives below the national poverty line, while about a third of residents are jobless.

Cyclone Chido also hit Mozambique, bringing flash flooding and damaging buildings. Three deaths had been reported in the East African nation.

Chido, the most recent in a series of deadly storms, strengthened as it made its way over the ocean, according to Sarah Keith-Lucas with the BBC Weather Centre. Keith-Lucas said storms had become stronger due to climate change.

The cyclone had been downgraded to a “depression” and was set to cross southern Malawi before moving into Zimbabwe overnight into tomorrow. The storm could still bring nearly six to 12 inches of rain before the end of Tuesday.

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Chimpanzees Perform Better on Computer Tasks When There Is an Audience, Study Finds

When we have an audience, it can affect how well we perform. New research has found that the performance of chimpanzees on challenging computer tasks is influenced by how many humans are watching.

The findings of the study suggest that the “audience effect” existed before reputation-based human societies, a press release from Cell Press said.

“It was very surprising to find that chimpanzees are affected in their task performance by audience members, and by human audience members nonetheless,” said Christen Lin of Kyoto University’s Primate Research Institute, in the press release. “One might not expect a chimp to particularly care if another species is watching them perform a task, but the fact that they seem to be affected by human audiences even depending on the difficulty of the task suggests that this relationship is more complex than we would have initially expected.”

The researchers set out to see if the audience effect — frequently attributed to reputation management in humans — could also occur in a non-human primate.

“Having an audience present, even one of a different species, may be introducing some kind of pressure for the chimpanzees during their task. We hypothesize that the presence of audience members could be causing stress that increases their skill in more difficult situations, or that having more familiar audience members present might cause the chimps to subconsciously perceive the food rewards as higher value, increasing their motivation and thus their performance under more stressful conditions,” Lin told EcoWatch in an email.

The researchers already knew that people are attuned to those watching them, sometimes subconsciously, in ways that can impact their performance. Chimpanzees live in hierarchical societies, but the researchers weren’t sure to what extent they might, like humans, be influenced by having an audience.

“Our study site is special in that chimpanzees frequently interact with and even enjoy the company of humans here, participating almost daily in various touch screen experiments for food rewards,” said Akiho Muramatsu, an assistant professor at Kyoto University, in the press release. “As such, we saw the opportunity to not only explore potential similarities in audience-related effects but also to do so in the context of chimps that share unique bonds with humans.”

The touch screen experimental booth seen from the outside. Chimps and humans can see each other during the experiment. On the human side is an automatic feeder, which rotates to dispense food into a funnel for the chimpanzee. Here we see chimpanzee Ai looking at the photographer. Akiho Muramatsu

Over a period of six years, the researchers analyzed thousands of sessions during which the chimpanzees completed a task on a touch screen.

In three separate number-based tasks, they found that chimpanzees performed increasingly better on the hardest assignment as the number of familiar humans watching them increased. On the other hand, chimpanzees performed worse on the easiest task when they were being watched by a higher number of familiar people, such as the experimenters.

“The chimpanzees may already know that the easier tasks require less focus to do correctly and receive food rewards, and so they could be dedicating less attention to the touch screen tasks during these easier tasks,” Lin told EcoWatch. “Additionally, based on the distraction hypothesis, the types of skills required to perform these tasks are different and may therefore be affected in different ways under pressure. For rigid, rule-based tasks such as the easy tasks in our study, performance is expected to decline under pressure based on this hypothesis.”

Does the result mean that the established relationships chimpanzees had with the humans observing them was a factor in their performance?

“The chimps’ relationship with humans in general may have affected their performance in comparison to wild chimpanzees, for example. However, their relationship with any specific humans in the audience probably would not have affected the results in this study because we have thousands of sessions collected over several years, and different experimenters and people would be present every day,” Lin said.

The research team noted that it was still not clear what particular mechanisms were responsible for the audience-related effects in chimps and humans. They said additional research in non-human apes could provide more insight into why the trait developed and how it evolved.

“Our findings suggest that how much humans care about witnesses and audience members may not be quite so specific to our species,” said Shinya Yamamoto, an associate professor at Kyoto University, in the press release. “These characteristics are a core part of how our societies are largely based on reputation, and if chimpanzees also pay special attention towards audience members while they perform their tasks, it stands to reason that these audience-based characteristics could have evolved before reputation-based societies emerged in our great ape lineage.”

Lin said the study showed that there are similarities between chimpanzee and human behavior when people are watching.

“This study reveals that chimps can be affected by audiences watching them, much like ourselves. Knowing that chimps also can be impacted by audiences reveals another way that we are more similar to chimpanzees than many people might realize. We can also feel pressure when people are watching us, but just as the chimps did in this study, we can also clutch up and be motivated to perform even better than usual in front of an audience,” Lin told EcoWatch.

How much would chimpanzees be affected by an audience made up entirely of their peers?

“In future studies we would like to test with chimpanzee audiences of various sizes as well, as we were only able to test with human audiences this time. Our results suggest that chimpanzees might be affected by chimpanzee audience members depending on how familiar they are with them, as they were unaffected in performance by unfamiliar human audience members in our study. In terms of chimp social groups, it is clear that chimps have to modify their behavior based on who might be watching them, much like we humans have to in order to maintain our social standings and reputations in our own societies,” Lin added.

The study, “Audience presence influences cognitive task performance in chimpanzees,” was published in the journal iScience.

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For the First Time, Scientists Observe One of Earth’s Largest Glacial Floods in Greenland

Scientists have, for the first time, observed the unleashing of an enormous glacial lake flooding event in East Greenland. The rare outburst involved 3,000-plus billion liters of meltwater bursting forth in a matter of weeks.

Witnessed by researchers from the University of Copenhagen, the natural phenomenon provides insight into the powerful and potentially dangerous forces that can be released by meltwater, a press release from University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute said.

“Imagine an enormous bathtub atop a mountain filled with water equivalent to three times Denmark’s annual water consumption, and then suddenly bursting. This is essentially what happened when the massive Catalina Lake in East Greenland released 3.4 cubic kilometers of meltwater — 3,000 billion liters — into the Scoresby Sound fjord,” the press release said.

The enormous volume of water released by the lake made it one of the three largest events of its kind ever to be documented.

The meltwater outburst flood happened from September 23 to October 11, during which time the water level of Catalina Lake fell by 154 meters. The scientists were able to use satellite imagery to observe the spectacle in real time.

Satellite image of Catalina Lake in an undated photo. University of Copenhagen

“We have previously found traces of similar outburst floods, but due to polar night and clouds obstructing the potential for satellite observations, this is the first time that researchers have been able to monitor an event and measure the water volumes in real time,” explained Aslak Grinsted, a climate researcher with the Niels Bohr Institute, in the press release.

The outburst flood was caused by the accumulation of meltwater from Catalina Lake over the last two decades. The lake sits nestled in a valley obstructed by the Edward Bailey Glacier. As the lake filled up, the water started to lift the glacier, resulting in a 25-kilometer-long, carved-out tunnel underneath the ice. The pressure from the water building up finally caused it to burst into Scoresby Sound, the largest fjord on Earth.

The phenomenon of a glacial lake gradually filling and releasing its meltwater in a rush is known as a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF).

Events such as this have been happening more often in the past 30 years due to global heating and climate change.

“The danger from glacier-dammed lakes is increasing due to global warming. It’s vital to improve our understanding of this phenomenon to issue timely warnings should there be an imminent risk,” Grinsted warned.

The recent GLOF in East Greenland did not cause any harm due to the area’s sparse population. However, floods like this can be catastrophic in more populated areas such as the Himalayas, where villages are frequently destroyed. A 2023 study found that 15 million people globally live under threat of dangerous glacial floods.

“I expect that we will witness outbursts from even larger ice-dammed lakes as Greenland’s ice sheet retreats in coming centuries. At the end of the last Ice Age, Lake Missoula had an outburst that was 2,500 times larger than the recent Catalina event. To understand these massive forces, we must study the largest outbursts when they occur,” Grinsted said. “In this case, the energy released by the glacier flood was equivalent to the output of the world’s largest nuclear power plant running at full capacity for 22 days.”

Grinsted said it was worth considering how the incredible power of such natural phenomena could be harnessed as a green energy source. The energy produced by the event at Catalina Lake could theoretically have generated 50 megawatts of electricity, which is enough to power a small town.

In this instance, however, the closest human settlement of 350 residents was 180 kilometers away, which would pose a major technological challenge for energy transmission and potential use.

“As with many other natural resources in Greenland, infrastructure is a problem. But if a brilliant engineer could figure out how to harness these meltwater outbursts, there’s enormous power and energy potential in them,” Grinsted concluded.

“The danger from glacier-dammed lakes is increasing due to global warming. It’s vital to improve our understanding of this phenomenon to issue timely warnings should there be an imminent risk,” says Grinsted.

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