On 23 September, Finnair used sustainable biofuel to operate its Airbus A330 flight from Helsinki to New York.
SkyNRG Nordic, a joint…
On 23 September, Finnair used sustainable biofuel to operate its Airbus A330 flight from Helsinki to New York.
SkyNRG Nordic, a joint…
Sales of commercial and passenger vehicles, particularly flex-fuel vehicles that allow end users to choose customised biofuel-fossil fuel blends…
Red Rock Biofuels, Fulcrum Bioenergy and Emerald Biofuels have been awarded contracts under the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Protection Act to construct and commission biorefineries that will produce a collective 100 MMgy of drop-in biofuels.
Blue Sun Biodiesel has received BQ-9000 Producer status from the National Biodiesel Accreditation Commission and the National Biodiesel Board. There are fewer than 50 companies that have achieved this milestone recognition.
Please join us for the first Sea Grant Climate Network Webinar. Connecticut Sea Grant’s Juliana Barrett will be discussing CT’s work with coastal communities following major storms.
As of late August 2014, tropical atmospheric temperatures appear to be responding more strongly to the ocean than they typically do at this early stage of El Niño development.
The combined average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces for August 2014 was record high for the month, at 0.75°C (1.35°F) above the 20th century average of 15.6°C (60.1°F), topping t
Green Mountain Power will heat its buildings and power its fleet with biodiesel from locally grown sunflower seeds
Chad Stone, the chief financial officer for REG, has been named the new chair of the Iowa Biodiesel Board. Stone joined REG as its CFO in August 2009. Prior to that, he spent more than 17 years in public accounting and consulting in various roles.
Using a biodiesel blend made at USU from algae, Morgan drove a privately owned Dodge Rampage in a heavy headwind to 132.620 mph. In the same vehicle, powered with USU-made, 100 percent safflower biodiesel, he cruised to 133.815 mph.