Debate: What Is the True Cost of Mitigating Climate Change?

What follows is an email dialogue between Tam Hunt, a renewable energy attorney and developer who contributes regularly to GTM, and David Victor, professor of international relations and director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation and co-author of a recent U.N. report on the cost of mitigating climate change. A piece in the New York Times by Andy Revkin prompted Hunt to initiate this dialogue.


Tam: I was surprised to see your comments on the cost of carbon mitigation in relation to renewables in the New York Times. My view, supported by experience and a lot of good studies about the current and future costs of solar and wind, is that renewables are already cost-savers in many contexts and will increasingly improve in terms of cost savings vs. fossil fuel energy sources. I’m curious what data you base your conclusion on high costs for renewables when compared to fossil fuel sources? And what geographic scope are you considering in your analysis? 

David: Thanks for your note, Tam. I am thinking globally and attentive to renewables at scale. In some special circumstances — usually with very expensive rival power and very good physical conditions for renewables, such as in Hawaii where rival power is costly oil and there is a lot of sun — renewables can scale a bit on their own. But the vast majority of modern renewables don’t scale on their own without massive policy support, including grid integration rules that hide the full cost. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t “do” renewables — that’s not what I am saying. But what it does mean is that renewables are still being improved and they are far from ready for scale applications, and when you are talking about cutting emissions it is scale that matters.  

I am mindful that there are various studies making (wild in my view) claims about the ease of quickly (i.e., a few decades) shifting almost fully to renewables. But reality is setting in, even for places in the world that are committed to this vision. Look at Hawaii where the power company has had to suspend new solar installations because of grid integration issues. Look at Germany where they are re-installing a massive investment in inverters because most of the old installations could not integrate at scale into the grid. Worse, in Germany even Angela Merkel — a huge renewables fan — has signaled that the current feed-in tariff (FIT) policy is totally unsustainable. Indeed, the latest Energy/Environment White paper from the EU with targets for 2030 has set a soft 27 percent goal for the EU for renewables and adamantly refused to allocate that goal to individual nations — which would make it enforceable — because the EU has no clue how it can reach those high levels.  

The problem is scale, and it doesn’t mean that the industry can’t be competitive in special markets where customers are wealthy and nobody really notices the cost — California is an example, where an aggressive RPS along with other investment policies drive investment in renewables that probably wouldn’t happen [otherwise]. 

Tam: While I certainly agree that getting to high penetration of renewables around the world won’t be easy, I don’t think it will be costly. Rather, I think it will be a substantial cost-saving opportunity for the large majority of jurisdictions that do it. You mention Hawaii and Germany, so I’ll focus on those in my response as examples of this transition. I’m actually living in Hawaii now (I split my time between Santa Barbara, California, and Hawaii), so I’ve followed Hawaii’s trajectory pretty closely. 

HECO and HELCO, the utilities on Oahu and the Big Island, respectively, are indeed claiming issues with high penetration of net-metered solar, and they have slowed down approvals for new net-metered solar projects. This highlights the remarkable growth rate in solar in Hawaii, which has resulted in some of the highest solar penetrations in any jurisdiction in the world. 

However, the utility slowdown in processing interconnection applications will be a temporary delay, and this is a technical issue, not a cost issue per se. The policymakers and the public are fully behind Hawaii’s solar tax credit program and the retail price credit that net-metered systems receive for excess power that is sent to the grid. Moreover, and more importantly for this discussion, Hawaii’s other programs for renewables, its renewable portfolio standard wholesale procurement program and its new feed-in tariff program, which is also focused on wholesale procurement, have been found recently to be highly cost-effective for ratepayers. A recent report by E3 for the Hawaii PUC found the following: “We find that renewable energy provides a significant opportunity for Hawaii to reduce electricity costs to customers. There are many renewable technology types that provide net value to ratepayers. These include various sizes of wind energy and solar photovoltaic generation on each island, as well as in-line hydroelectric generation. Given the high costs of purchasing petroleum fuels for energy on the islands, these approaches can lower utility costs.”

I’ve been told personally by HELCO representatives that they view renewables as a substantial cost-saving opportunity for ratepayers, and they are looking to procure new renewables at far less than avoided cost of diesel-powered generation (which is well above $200 per megawatt-hour and rising). The islands already have substantial backup capacity in the form of existing diesel-powered stations, so balancing variable renewables is not really a technical issue in Hawaii. The issue is how to deal with excess power backflowing from distribution circuits. But there are many technologies, including smart inverters and battery storage, that can and will solve these issues in the coming years. 

Based on the E3 and other analyses, I am currently working to build a coalition here in Hawaii to accelerate the renewables transition and to get the Big Island in particular to carbon neutrality by 2030 or sooner. 

Turning to Germany, again I agree with you that there are some temporary technical issues that they are facing from their rapid buildout of renewables. However, the proof is in the pudding: Germany has transformed itself from almost no renewables twenty years ago to over 25 percent of its electricity coming from wind, biomass, solar and hydro. This is remarkable. Not only has Germany transformed the global renewables market (particularly solar) by spurring huge reductions in the cost of equipment, the country has transformed its own market to the point where solar is now a net cost saver for almost all customers. A recent study found that solar is very close to being cheaper than coal EU-wide — and credit for this remarkable development can be laid at the feet of far-sighted German policymakers. 

This study found that solar power already costs as little as 8 euro cents per kilowatt-hour and will likely fall to about 6 euro cents in coming years. Wind power is already 5 to 11 euro cents/per kilowatt-hour. Current costs for coal and natural gas range from 5 to 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, and these costs are surely going to increase. So the economic benefits of renewables are already apparent, and they grow increasingly positive over time. Even when we add integration costs, in terms of backup power to balance variable renewables, and new transmission as required, renewables still come out looking very good on cost alone. 

I was surprised to see the EU’s watering down of country-specific renewables goals, but I am very optimistic that the EU will, as a whole, far exceed these goals based on market incentives alone. Natural gas is expensive in the EU, and coal isn’t much cheaper. Wind, solar and biomass are looking very attractive to more and more countries based on economics alone, and this trend is set to explode in the next decade or two.

So, yes, there will be technical problems in reaching higher penetration of renewables in every jurisdiction. These problems will add to the cost of generation from renewables, but on balance, renewables will still [represent] a net cost savings in the large majority of jurisdictions around the world in the coming years. And this is the key concept to keep in mind: while renewables can be cost-effective even today (on an apples-to-apples basis, even accounting for subsidies), this cost-effectiveness is on a dramatic, long-term upward arc, because renewable energy costs are getting cheaper and cheaper, while fossil fuel costs are generally getting more and more expensive. Yes, natural gas in the U.S., as well as oil production, has experienced a recent renaissance, but this is a short-lived phenomenon. Natural gas costs are back at $6 (up from $2 just a couple of years ago) [since the time of writing, natural gas has fallen back to $4], illustrating not only the wild volatility of fossil fuel costs but also their unreliability in terms of long-term planning. 

Solar is booming, both in terms of installations and in terms of company stock valuations (SolarCity, First Solar, etc.). The TAN solar ETF is up 25 percent year to date. Solar installations surpassed 40 gigawatts in 2013, up from 28 gigawatts in 2012. 2014 promises to be bigger yet. Wind installations now exceed 300 gigawatts worldwide (solar is catching up and is now over 100 gigawatts) and still growing well, though slower than solar. 

We are already seeing solar and wind at scale. So we can in fact sit back and enjoy the ride, because exponential growth trends in these industries are clear and will very likely continue in the coming decades. We’re not out of the woods on climate change because the transportation industry is the tough nut to crack, but in terms of electricity, I’ll happily wager that by 2030 half of the world’s electricity will come from non-fossil sources. 

The bottom line is that wind and solar are well on their way to growing very well without any government support in many jurisdictions around the world. And this is unequivocal good news. 

David: Thanks for your note. I’d like to clarify three things. 

First, I expect that Hawaii will be cost-effective for lots of renewables for one simple reason: thanks to oil-fired generators (which are typical when you have relatively small, island-based power networks), it has the most expensive electricity in the nation by a long shot. What happens in Hawaii in terms of relative competitiveness tells us basically nothing about the rest of the world. Given the high cost of incumbent electricity in Hawaii, you could generate electricity from starlets riding bicycles and it might be cost-effective. Sure, the buildout in Hawaii and Germany (and Denmark and a few other places) is remarkable. But the key questions revolve around whether these are typical places and whether the policies (notably in Germany) are sustainable at scale. We clearly have different points of view on this.    

Second, I also suspect that when we look closely that the integration issues we are seeing in Hawaii (or California or parts of Germany or many other places) that these will turn out not just to be “temporary delays” for mere “technical issues.” There are fundamental problems in managing a grid at very high reliability with large amounts of variable and intermittent power. Some of that might get addressed with incentives to build storage (as we are seeing to some degree in Texas) or mandates to build storage (as now unfolding in California and other places). But the fundamental properties of that grid are totally different from the “normal” grid. Add into that a large role for distributed energy resources — such as rooftop solar or onsite self-generation at industrial sites — and the challenges for grid management and planning are huge. This is why the Electric Power Research Institute’s new “Integrated Grid” initiative is important, [as are] lots of complementary efforts. These are surmountable challenges, but they require lots of rethinking and planning and huge room for error if rushed. 

Third, I have not done the detailed spadework that is needed on the Fraunhofer study that you linked to, but I’ve seen a lot of these studies over the years, and I’d urge all of us to look closely at the key assumptions that drive the outputs. Usually, the most important assumptions are a) the assumed cost of capital and financing structure; b) the assumed cost of fuel; and c) the assumed costs of integration. Very quickly, look at table 2 (page 11 in the linked study) and you’ll see what drives the analysis, which is the combination of very low financing assumptions for renewables (and high assumptions for fossil plants). Those aren’t real, market numbers — they must be a fiction that reflects other policy incentives at work. Does anyone really believe that the market by itself would finance small PV with an 80/20 debt/equity ratio where the acceptable risk-adjusted return on equity is 6 percent and debt pays only 4 percent, while radically different financing assumptions are used for central power stations?  And then look at the operation costs — notably high numbers for brown coal and even for gas. I am not arguing in favor of brown coal — quite the opposite, as I think it is bizarre that an environmental leader still burns brown coal, but such is the power of the coal unions — but [rather pointing out] that we need real apples-to-apples comparisons.  

A few more wrinkles to the analysis just to make it clear how problematic the case will be. The out-year assumptions on gas prices are really high (see table 5 on p. 15), which is probably hard to sustain if you think the rest of the world is in the midst of a gas revolution that will (as in the U.S.) bring down prices. But those assumptions make fossil fuels look unattractive. And the Fraunhofer study, as far as I can tell, hasn’t yet seriously reflected the grid integration costs — which is hardly surprising since everyone in the analyst community is still trying to get their heads around that question. (Chapter 6 of the Fraunhofer study basically outlines some long-term visions for how that might unfold, rather than actual analysis.) Again, I am not criticizing the Fraunhofer study — in fact, they do some of the best work on this topic in Europe — but simply drawing our attention to the kinds of assumptions that drive analyses and raising serious questions about whether those are scalable. 

Indeed, I suspect it is exactly those kinds of concerns that help explain why the new EU white paper envisions massive cuts in emissions, massive expansion in renewables, and big reductions in power costs all simultaneously — without a clear vision for how that will be implemented in reality. The reason is that so much of the work done on competitiveness of existing renewables doesn’t grapple with grid integration seriously and does somewhat simplistic levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) calculations within power markets, like Hawaii, where the fossil incumbent is terrifically expensive. 

Tam: You raise a number of additional points and I’ll address them one by one. 

1. You argue that success with renewables in Hawaii is irrelevant to the broader issue of scaling of renewables. Scaling of particular technologies will, I agree, be necessary for renewables to be a big part of the solution to climate change. I discussed Hawaii because you raised Hawaii in your previous email as an example of problems with integrating high levels of renewables. The integration issue is why Hawaii is very relevant to the scaling discussion. Yes, Hawaii’s electricity rates are very high, helping to make renewable energy more competitive than in other jurisdictions. But Hawaii is actually very relevant because it is a laboratory for showing how jurisdictions around the world can deal with high penetration. We can both look forward to watching Hawaii’s integration efforts unfold in the coming years.

On the cost issue, Hawaii’s cost differential between high-cost diesel power and low-cost renewables will in fact be mirrored increasingly around the world because of the two major background trends that have become quite clear in recent years: 1) increasingly low-cost renewables as they reach scale (solar panels, for example, have come down in cost over 50 percent in the last few years alone); 2) increasingly high-cost fossil fuels. Oil costs have stayed remarkably high even as the world struggled economically, which suggests that when the global economy recovers fully, we’ll see far higher oil prices. As I mentioned in my last email, natural gas costs in the U.S. were quite low for a few years after the U.S. economic crisis, due to [recently developed] fracking techniques and lower demand, but we are now seeing costs shoot up again. Prices for natural gas are far higher in Europe and Asia. This increase in natural gas costs will make renewables increasingly cost-competitive in the large majority of jurisdictions where natural gas is prevalent in power generation. 

2. You argue that integration of renewables at high penetrations will raise major long-term issues. Time will tell on this one, but numerous reports, cataloged by Lawrence Berkeley Lab and others, have found that the costs of integrating high penetrations of wind and solar are not actually that high. For example, the 2012 LBL annual wind power market report stated, with respect to U.S. markets: “Recent studies show that wind energy integration costs are below $12 per megawatt-hour — and often below $5 per megawatt-hour — for wind power capacity penetrations of up to or even exceeding 40 percent of the peak load of the system in which the wind power is delivered.” This is about a 10 percent premium over the cost of energy from wind, which is entirely affordable and does not represent a major economic or technical challenge. Even with these integration costs, wind power is highly competitive in most U.S. markets. 

Germany again provides a good example with respect to its integration of wind and solar. This analysis, again from the Fraunhofer Institute, found that changing just one grid parameter in Germany would allow far higher penetration of renewables at lower cost. (Changing must-run thermal power plants from 25 gigawatts to 20 gigawatts, the technical lower capacity, allowed variable renewable penetration to go from 25 percent to 40 percent — a remarkable change with one technical tweak to the system). My broader point is that we are already witnessing the renewables tsunami break (beneficially) over the world’s power systems, and we are managing collectively very well in dealing with higher penetrations in those jurisdictions like Germany, Denmark, Hawaii, etc., where issues have arisen. Again, I’ll happily wager that we’ll see the world’s electric power system 50 percent or more fossil-free by 2030. 

As we reach half or more of our power coming from variable renewables, in the U.S. and globally, which will likely start to happen by 2030 or even sooner in many jurisdictions, battery storage and smart inverters (to handle reactive power issues) will become increasingly important. For this reason, I strongly support jurisdictions like Texas, California and Germany, which are incentivizing or mandating new energy storage procurement programs. I note also that California’s new 1.3-gigawatt energy storage mandate is a cost-effective mandate, which means that it can’t lead to any net cost for ratepayers. 

3. Regarding the Fraunhofer report on solar and wind becoming cheaper than coal power in the EU, you argue that the financing cost assumptions are off for renewables vs. fossil fuels. I believe these are in fact accurate assumptions based on real-world costs, which stem from the feed-in tariff policy that Germany has had for over a decade for renewables. The feed-in tariff requires utilities to offer twenty-year contracts to renewables, at a set price. The low cost of money for renewables, expressed in the Fraunhofer report, is a key benefit of feed-in tariff policies. The predictability and low risk that the feed-in tariff creates, along with the low risk of solar and wind due to zero fuel costs, leads to much lower cost of financing. The same can’t be said of fossil fuel power plants, which don’t enjoy a feed-in tariff and of course have highly volatile fuel costs. 

You also argue that the out-year fossil fuel cost assumptions in the Fraunhofer study are unrealistic. I’d argue, again, that we’re already seeing a much higher price regime for fossil fuels in 2014. I think their cost projections are entirely realistic, and we may well see much higher prices. A major benefit of renewables is that we don’t need to deal with such speculation, because there’s zero fuel cost for wind or solar, and the prices paid for power can be known with certainty for literally twenty years or more. This is a major and unsung benefit of renewables. 

David: On gas prices, in a very cold winter, we always see price spikes, especially at trading hubs on the demand side of transportation bottlenecks. But the markets settle, and January/February is always a bad month to use as a base for making long-term predictions. Indeed, the markets themselves think gas will be settling around $4. (See NYMEX futures, for example, summarized monthly at:

Regarding integration costs, there are lots of studies — some say costs are high, some low — but my fear is that the studies that point to low integration costs don’t rigorously look at these issues in the context of guaranteeing very high reliability. There’s a world of difference between a power grid that works about as well as our internet connections (most of the time, except during periods of congestion) and one that is reliable almost all the time, as is required for modern grids.  


Tam Hunt is the owner of Community Renewable Solutions LLC, a renewable energy project development and policy advocacy firm based in Santa Barbara, California and Hilo, Hawaii.

Solar Policy Battle: IRS Now Part of Fierce Debate Over How to Value Solar Power

The rift over how to equitably compensate distributed solar power producers for the electricity they generate has just gotten a bit more stark.

The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC), a downstream solar advocacy group whose members include SolarCity, Solar Universe, Sungevity, Sunrun, and Verengo, just sent out a release revealing that the conflict has escalated to the point of requiring a decision from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.  

An electric utility can pay a producer of distributed generation like rooftop solar using a value-of-solar tariff (VOST) or through net energy metering. NEM spins the power meter backward and pays the consumer the retail rate for power exported to the grid, whereas a VOST calculates the “value” of solar and pays the consumer that rate for all solar produced by the rooftop system. However, the true “value” of solar is highly open to interpretation.

Net metering has been adopted by 43 states, but the city of Austin, Texas implemented a VOST in October 2012, and Minnesota has gone the VOST route as well.

But TASC — and by extension, SolarCity and Sunrun — is intent on keeping the VOST model from spreading. TASC notes that as a result of the filing of an Information Letter Request (ILR) with the IRS by an “Austin homeowner,” the IRS will now “formally review VOSTs and their impact on taxpayers.”

According to a redacted version of the ILR, the taxpayer is requesting a ruling that addresses this hypothetical situation: 

“If, under a program established by Austin’s retail public electric utility company, he sells all energy generated by the solar energy property to the utility and, in exchange for the sale, the utility makes payments to him in the form of utility bill credits; and (b) if such payments from the utility are includable in his taxable income.”

TASC suggests, “Under a VOST, solar customers cannot use the power generated by their solar systems. Instead, they must sell all the power their solar systems produce to the utility at a price set by the utility (and often reevaluated on an annual basis). Meanwhile, they must continue to purchase all the electricity they need from the utility just like a homeowner without solar. Utilities support VOSTs over the widely effective net metering policy.”

TASC and other NEM proponents cite a 2013 brief from law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom which claims that VOSTs jeopardize homeowners’ ability to claim the 30 percent federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC). The brief also claims that VOSTs could increase homeowners’ income taxes because VOST payments would be considered to be income. For example, an average-size PV system at the residence of an Austin homeowner in a median-income tax bracket would incur approximately $250 per year in income taxes because of the VOST, according to Bryan Miller, co-founder of TASC.

“VOST schemes expose unassuming homeowners to thousands of dollars in additional taxes,” he contends.

Miller, a Sunrun employee as well as a leader of TASC, told GTM that a VOST is a “front-of-the-meter” scheme and repeated his claim that utilities are using the VOST as a “Trojan horse” to “eliminate rooftop solar” and “take away choice and competition.” Miller says the VOST “expands monopolies by forcing homeowners to sell all their power to the utility.”    

Miller said that the utilities’ “frontal assaults” on NEM “don’t work” and that they’ve lost that argument — so the VOST is a way for the utility to “eliminate competition.” Miller claims that the utilities are “well aware of the tax issues.”

According to Miller, “The IRS will clarify this and stop the VOST movement in its tracks.” He added that the Austin City Council can solve this problem tomorrow by reinstating NEM as an option for the customer.

As Herman Trabish has reported, the opinion from Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom partners Sean Shimamoto and Emily Lam suggests that a VOST could result in tax problems for solar owners.

“The payments received by a taxpayer for the sale of electricity under feed-in tariffs appear to fall squarely within the definition of taxable gross income,” wrote Shimamoto and Lam.

“The terms of FITs provide for the sale by the taxpayer to the utility of all electricity generated by the taxpayer’s residential solar system,” they added in the memorandum filed by TASC.  “In exchange, the utility compensates the taxpayer with either cash or a credit on the taxpayer’s utility bill. Although the taxpayer may also purchase electricity from the utility, under FITs, the two transactions are separate and distinct. The proceeds from the taxpayer’s sale of electricity to the utility therefore likely constitute gross income.”

This conclusion, they added, “is supported by Senate Bill 1225.” The federal bill specifically excludes the possibility of “any gain from the sale or exchange to the electrical grid” being counted as taxable income.

As we reported previously, Shimamoto and Lam also concluded the Arizona Public Service “bill credit” proposal would put solar owners at risk of losing the 30 percent federal ITC. The system owner has to use “at least 80 percent of the electricity generated” for non-business purposes to qualify for the personal ITC, the attorneys wrote. “Under FITs, 100 percent of the electricity generated is sold to the utility, and thus 100 percent of the use of the residential solar system is for business use.”

Shimamoto and Lam are correct about the income tax issue, agreed a New York tax attorney familiar with renewables tax issues who asked not to be named in the article by Trabish. The APS “bill credit” is, at best, “not helpful” to rooftop solar owners and could result in taxation if a system’s output is high enough. The source disagreed about the 30 percent ITC being at risk, however. If sale of the electricity to the utility makes system owners ineligible for the residential ITC, he said, they would then be eligible for the 30 percent business tax credit. And that would make them eligible for the benefits of accelerated depreciation as well, he added.

Karl Rábago is a co-creator of the first value-of-solar tariff. He told GTM yesterday that “utility rate-making is a full contact sport.”

Much of this comes down to language. Is the VOST transaction “a sale?” Rábago was careful to craft the language in the Austin VOST to refer to “credits,” never using “sales” or “cash.” He points out that “Miller is wrong on his facts — VOST is a behind-the-meter system and there is no forced sale.” 

He told GTM that a VOST is “just a different way of calculating the credit. It’s still a credit on the bill. Your net bill is the same as it would be for NEM. It’s still a netting process that happens on the customer side of the transaction. It’s not a sale.” He suggested that “With NEM systems that close out the year with a cash payment, under the TASC reasoning, the utility has to issue every NEM customer a 1099 for the sale. A 1099 is not required with VOST because there is no sale and no income.”

Rábago told Midwest Energy News, “The big piece of the value-of-solar concept that is embodied in this law is that if you fairly compensate customers for the value of the solar energy, you can have a fair conversation about charging customers for the distribution [and] for the utility services they still use.” He added, “It just happens to be that solar is the most charismatic and most rapidly declining in technology cost. It’s the one that sees the headlines, but behind the value of solar are the value of storage, the value of savings (energy efficiency and demand response), the value of security, and the value of smartness.”

The VOST veteran concludes: “This is inviting the IRS to rule with some precision that sales incidental to use are all sales, which we’ve kind of gotten away with with NEM. Asking for a specific ruling is a little shortsighted.”

Thad Kurowski, SolarCity’s director of policy and electricity markets, noted in an email obtained by GTM, “It will be interesting to see what the IRS determines.”

A lawyer close to this decision said yesterday, “The Skadden memo is the best thinking we have on this — and it appears the VOST income will be taxable.” Another tax attorney said, “They’re likely to rule that it’s income.”

Rábago suggested that if the IRS determines that it is not taxable income, “then the TPO companies could get comfortable with a VOST.”

In any case, the decision is now in the hands of the IRS.

New York Proposes $5B for Clean Energy Fund to Replace Mandates

New York wants to spend $5 billion over the next decade to transition from a regime based on soon-to-expire renewable-energy and efficiency mandates into a new regulatory and economic model that brings distributed, customer-owned energy assets into account.

In a Tuesday filing with state regulators (PDF), the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA) proposed raising $5 billion from electric bill surcharges over the next ten years to create a Clean Energy Fund (CEF), one that would essentially take over responsibility to “ensure the delivery and continuity of clean energy programs” statewide.

NYSERDA, which has collected about $5 billion from the surcharge since 2008, says the additional funding is needed to replace the state’s current System Benefits Charge (SBC), Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS), and Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), set to expire in 2015, with a new, more market-driven form of support.

“First, the CEF seeks to achieve greater levels of scale for clean energy in the state economy,” the filing notes. The $5 billion will be directed toward market development and “technology and business innovation” meant to support private investment to meet the state’s broader greenhouse gas reduction targets.

“Second, the CEF will be oriented to achieve scale, not only through the investment of public funds, but to foster new investment opportunities to attract private capital to invest in clean energy in New York,” the filing states. The fund will also support the state’s Green Bank, which is directing $1 billion in investment to in-state green energy projects, and NY-Sun, a $150-million-per-year incentive program which has just lured SolarCity to scale up solar panel manufacturing in the state.

Finally, “initiatives oriented for scale and private capital attraction will then result in the third desired outcome: significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from New York’s energy sector,” according to the filing. In other words, rather than mandating a certain share of renewable energy or better efficiency, the Clean Energy Fund will create a market for making this investment worthwhile.

Wednesday’s filing is part of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative, launched by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in February to transform the state’s energy regulations and markets to allow distributed resources to play a part in long-term energy planning. That means incorporating both utility-owned and third-party-owned rooftop solar, on-site generation, plug-in EVs, energy storage systems, smart home or building energy controls, and a panoply of other grid-edge devices and systems into how utilities and grid operators plan for the state’s needs for years to come.

In a straw proposal released this month, New York’s Public Services Commission (PSC) asked the state’s utilities to lay out just how distributed energy resources can mitigate the costs of maintaining and expanding the grid. The proposal also laid out plans for utilities to create distributed system platforms that can track, trade and forecast these assets in real time.

While a few other states are taking on similar energy policy issues — California is a good example — none have taken the overarching approach that New York has. Indeed, the state’s REV initiative is just getting underway, meaning that this week’s Clean Energy Fund proposal leaves much of its nitty-gritty plans open in order to see how the REV process plays out.

“For the CEF to capture emerging opportunities, NYSERDA will require and requests that the Commission grant greater levels of flexibility to move funds within each of the CEF portfolios,” this week’s filing notes. It’s also asking for the potentially controversial freedom to be “fuel-neutral,” including natural gas, heating oil and other fossil-fuel-fired, distributed energy resources as potential recipients of investment, if they help meet broader greenhouse-gas reduction goals.

Finally, the Clean Energy Fund is promising to return the value of these investments to state energy consumers. First, it’s offering to slowly reduce its annual take from the state energy bill surcharge from $925 million at present to no more than $400 million per year in the last five years of the program. Second, it’s hoping that “private market investment will incrementally take the place of ratepayer funding,” leading to overall reductions in consumer bills over time.

Want to learn more about the thinking behind these decisions in New York? Listen to the Energy Gang below, featuring Audrey Zibelman, chair of the NY Public Service Commission and Sergej Mahnovski, director of Con Edison’s utility of the future team.

The Biggest Battery in North America Gets Unveiled by SCE Today

Although there are plenty of grid-scale energy storage procurement and deployment announcements being made, the truth is that utilities are still figuring energy storage out. While the grid-scale energy storage industry aspires to enter commercialization, utilities might still be rooted in the demonstration stage.

Southern California Edison’s demonstration project at the Monolith substation in the Tehachapi Mountains, unveiled today, happens to be the largest battery project in North America and one of the largest battery storage projects in the world. Other battery storage projects in this size range include the Duke Energy Notrees wind farm in west Texas and the 8-megawatt-hour Laurel Mountain Wind Farm. (The DOE has a database of global energy storage projects here.)

Southern California Edison has been working with LG Chem on the 8-megawatt, 32-megawatt-hour lithium-ion battery system since 2010. The Tehachapi Mountains, where the project is sited, is an area with the potential to produce up to 4.5 gigawatts of wind energy by 2016.

Here are some stats on the project:

  • 8 megawatts with 4-hour duration, 32 megawatt-hour lithium-ion battery energy storage system
  • LG Chem provided the batteries, ABB provided the balance of plant
  • The battery system comprises 604 battery racks, 10,872 battery modules and 608,832 individual battery cells, according to SCE
  • A 6,300-square-foot building houses the energy storage system
  • The substation is on the 66-kilovolt Antelope-Bailey system
  • The cells are the same lithium-ion cells installed in battery packs supplied to GM for the Chevrolet Volt
  • The $53.5 million demonstration is funded by SCE as well as federal stimulus money from the DOE as part of 2009’s ARRA

Still, the storage industry and utilities continue to search for how to make a business case in energy storage.

“This installation will allow us to take a serious look at the technological capabilities of energy storage on the electric grid,” said Imre Gyuk, energy storage program manager at the DOE, in a release. “It will also help us to gain a better understanding of the value and benefit of battery energy storage.”

Doug Kim, director of advanced technology at SCE, said, “This demonstration project will give us a significant amount of insight into the operational capabilities of large-scale, lithium-ion battery storage.”

As GTM reported earlier this year, the 50-megawatt Southern California Edison Los Angeles Basin Energy Storage RFQ reveals a California utility industry getting its head around deploying big energy storage. The SCE solicitation was notable for the effort taken to identify the true value of grid-scale energy storage. In the words of John Zahurancik, VP of deployment and operations at AES Energy Storage, “The Edison RFQ is the first formal recognition by a state that [energy storage] absolutely has value.”

Not everyone accepts that storage is the magic bullet for renewables on the grid. According to the Brookings Institution, grid-scale energy storage is not the key to a renewable energy future, citing renewable energy policy and trends in Germany and Japan in its newly released report, “Transforming the Electricity Portfolio.” According to the report, transmission system operators in Germany find that storage is still too expensive, and that transmission is a lower-cost option. Citigroup has concluded that Germany won’t require storage until renewables double to 45 percent to 50 percent penetration. 

In a discussion with with SCE’s Doug Kim on Tuesday, he said, “Here’s the way we think about energy storage: we really look forward to these costs coming down.” He noted that despite the protestations of vendors, “There is no such thing as a turnkey system today.” Kim spoke of vendors struggling with integration in the space.

He also rattled off the usual list of thirteen distinct operational use cases for storage that the utility will explore, including grid stabilization, smoothing, shifting, frequency regulation, decreasing transmission losses, voltage support, and others.

Kim noted that this system had a full CAISO interconnection agreement and that the system was fully operational technologically and ready to start functioning in the market.

He added that SCE is mandated to procure a significant amount of storage in the coming years — 580 megawatts, to be exact, with half of that, 290 megawatts, owned by the utility. There are decisions to be made about what type of storage technology will be selected and how to integrate the technology into the system.

He said that the Tehachapi storage project “will help us make the right choices.”

Aerial view of Monolith substation (Google Maps)

This boring building houses the biggest battery in the U.S.

Battery racks


Coda Claims Battery-Backed Solar Is Now Grid-Competitive in California

Coda Energy, the once-bankrupt EV startup that’s turned to the batteries-for-buildings business, is quietly building up a portfolio of behind-the-meter energy storage projects in six states, expanding beyond its initial demand-charge reduction strategy to test out emergency backup and grid resiliency as well.

It’s also targeting California as a market where solar PV plus batteries can compete with grid power — when the price of energy and demand charges are taken into account.   

That’s the latest from Monrovia, Calif.-based Coda, which was bought out of bankruptcy last year by multi-billion-dollar investment firm Fortress Investment Group. Since then, it’s worked with Fortress to launch a no-money-down financing program for commercial and industrial customers interested in using its batteries and control software to keep their buildings’ energy use within certain thresholds and avoiding the demand charges that can make up a significant part of their utility bills.  

It’s the same approach taken by startups like Stem and Green Charge Networks, which have signed up multi-million-dollar financing for their behind-the-meter batteries. Another big contender is SolarCity, which has partnered with Tesla to supply batteries for commercial buildings.

Key markets include California and New York, where ever-rising demand charges can add up to more than half of a commercial customer’s utility bill. Systems that meter building energy use, anticipate when it’s about to peak, and inject stored battery power to keep demand under a certain threshold can save those customers a lot of money.

In March, Coda and Fortress said they were financing about 100 systems, at $64,000 for each 30-kilowatt, 40-kilowatt-hour unit, with an eye on expanding to $25 million for about 400 installations. Coda isn’t disclosing how far it’s gotten on those plans to date, but “it’s going pretty well,” John Bryan, vice president of product and marketing, told me in a Tuesday interview. “In the third quarter of this year, over a 60-day period, we took 3 megawatt-hours’ worth of orders.”

Coda has also expanded beyond its home market of California, launching projects in New York, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey and Maryland, he said. All of them are behind-the-meter battery applications, but some of them go beyond the core demand charge management business case, he noted.

For example, Coda is working with inverter maker Princeton Power and control system vendor Encorp to provide emergency backup power to a building on a New York military base, he said. And in a New York City apartment building, it’s installing a battery-inverter-control system that could supply emergency power to the elevators, to make sure people can get into and out of their homes during a blackout.

Several of these projects involve on-site solar PV, such as its solar carport EV charging installations in Benicia, Calif. and Chicago, he added. But one of the most interesting involves the potential for battery-backed, solar-equipped commercial customers to reach grid parity in terms of managing both energy and demand. Here are two charts that lay out the key details:

The first represents data from Rocky Mountain Institute and Sandia National Laboratory, and describes how a 200-kilowatt PV array, paired with 400 kilowatt-hours of lithium-ion batteries, can provide power at about 20 cents per kilowatt-hour. That’s low enough to compete in certain markets — Hawaii springs to mind. But it’s still not directly competitive with California’s average cost of 12 cents per kilowatt-hour for grid power. 

But using average cost per kilowatt-hour doesn’t capture the demand side of the utility bill, Bryan said. A more accurate calculation would include the per-kWh costs imposed whenever demand charges are triggered, he said — and on that measure, peak power can cost customers in California and New York from 30 to 40 cents per kilowatt-hour, he said. Compared to that, a solar-storage systems at 19 cents per kilowatt-hour, given California and federal incentives, prices out well.

This chart shows a sample customer with several daily peaks, any of which could have triggered what would have amounted to a much higher cost per kilowatt-hour for the month if they hadn’t been corrected by Coda’s energy storage system. It’s important to remember that customers can have an entire month’s worth of bills subject to extra demand charges for exceeding their limit only once during that month — but “as long as we have the ability to recharge from the solar during the day, we can handle several peaks,” he said.

Rooftop PV generation has traditionally been valued in the same way that utilities sell kilowatt-hours — a straight payment for energy delivered over time. But more and more commercial building owners are seeing their electricity bills dominated by demand charges, giving them a reason to want to know what a solar system could save them in those terms – and how storage could help improve that equation.  

Coda hasn’t yet announced any projects on this front, but Bryan said it’s expecting to see some news from California, where the state’s Self-Generation Incentive Program pays for part of the cost of on-site batteries, making them an even better deal. No doubt we’ll see similar moves from Stem, Green Charge and, of course, SolarCity on this front, as the economic dynamics of distributed PV and energy storage continue to shift.