I have been getting some inquiries about the drum rack so I am going to explain exactly what goes on with it.
These are not simply storage or settling drums, they are an Active system for settling. The idea came to me through my building work and is quite simple. When you pour concrete it often time has to be settled and in reading about sonic settlers one evening on the internet it reminded me of the sonic settlers we use in concrete only they cost about 100/th the price for the ones used in biodiesel. I modeled this system after a plate compactor actually which uses an ecentric shaft with a counter weight thus creating an out-of-balance state resulting in harmonics at high RPM’s. I set about designing a shaft and pulley apparatus and when I cut my first piece of metal I walked over to my bench grinder to clean it up and EUREKA!!!….I stared at my bench grinder for a bit then headed off to Lowes and grabbed another…I made 2 ecentric counter weights and a rack then bolted everything together…no shafts or pulleys…just a bench grinder… Next I installed and plumbed 10 55 gallon drums and my Active Settling System was ready for testing…well…it settles out all the glycerin in a few hours and even settles the damn soap in reasonable enough quantities to be quite noticible. see the pic below in a test sample.
Notice the bench grinder and in my flare for the dramtic I put a black light in the lamp and when you shut the lights off the whole apparatus glows quite nicely.
This is a pocket of soap rattled out from a test batch I let sit for awhile…I have a small stand that I can fit measuring cups in and it settles everything out for me very, very quickly…5 minutes or so.